+381 24 45678 22
Petefi Šandora 46, Senta, Serbia
+381 24 45678 22
Petefi Šandora 46, Senta, Serbia


Passion for solutions

We create solutions so you don’t have to!

Software Development​

Harness the power of custom software solutions tailored to your business needs. From web applications to mobile apps, our expert developers create robust and scalable software that drives growth and efficiency.

Web Development

Elevate your online presence with our professional web development services. Whether you need a stunning website, e-commerce platform, or web portal, our team delivers visually appealing, user-friendly solutions that engage your audience and drive results.

Network Solutions

Ensure seamless connectivity and reliable network performance with our network solutions. From network design and implementation to security and optimization, we help you build and maintain a robust network infrastructure that supports your business objectives.

Hosting Services

Trust your digital assets to our secure and reliable hosting services. Whether you require web hosting, cloud hosting, or dedicated servers, we provide scalable hosting solutions with 24/7 support and maximum uptime.

Industrial Electronics Development

Stay ahead in the digital age with our industrial electronics development services. From IoT devices to automation solutions, we design and develop cutting-edge electronics that optimize processes and drive efficiency in industrial settings.

IT Consulting

Leverage our expertise and industry insights to navigate the complexities of IT. Our IT consulting services help you identify opportunities, mitigate risks, and develop strategic IT initiatives that align with your business goals.

Support and Maintenance

Enjoy peace of mind with our comprehensive support and maintenance services. From troubleshooting and software updates to system monitoring and performance optimization, our dedicated support team ensures your systems run smoothly at all times.

Graphic Design​

Boost your brand with our expert graphic design services. Our skilled designers craft impactful visuals for all your needs, from logos and branding to digital and print materials. Elevate your visual identity with designs that communicate your brand’s essence effectively and attract your target audience.

UI/UX Design​

Elevate your digital offerings with our UI/UX design services, where functionality seamlessly blends with aesthetic appeal. Our expert designers are dedicated to crafting intuitive, user-friendly interfaces that boost user satisfaction and engagement. We prioritize understanding your audience’s needs to deliver experiences that are both visually stunning and effortlessly functional. Enhance your software, mobile apps, web pages, and game interfaces with designs that not only look exceptional but also ensure smooth user experiences.

Our dedicated team ensures prompt and reliable support whenever you need it


Our customer support team is dedicated to providing prompt and reliable assistance, offering personalized solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of each client, while continuously striving to enhance their experience through ongoing improvements and refinements to our support processes.



IT Consulting

Strategic Planning

Our team collaborates closely with you to develop strategic plans tailored to your business objectives. Through comprehensive analysis and consultation, we identify key workflows, streamline processes, and optimize resource allocation to enhance efficiency and productivity.

Expert Development

Leveraging industry best practices and cutting-edge technologies, our experienced developers transform strategic plans into reality. With a keen focus on quality and innovation, we develop robust solutions that meet your specific needs and position your business for success in today’s dynamic marketplace.

Web Development

Seamless Implementation

Our meticulous approach to implementation ensures a smooth transition from development to deployment. Rigorous testing and validation processes identify and address any issues or discrepancies, guaranteeing that your solution functions flawlessly upon launch. Comprehensive training and support empower your team to maximize the benefits of the new workflow, driving adoption and accelerating ROI.

Get Started: Ready to take your digital initiatives to the next level? Contact us today to discuss your project requirements and discover how Sabotronic can help you achieve your business objectives.